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Executive: 10 to 30 years
Posted on May 19 2023

Not Accepting Applications

About the Job


Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Business Development
Account Management

Job description:

  1. To consolidate and anlalyse the MIS
  2. To prepare Monthly MIS and submit it to the management
  3. To Assist the taxation head in direct tax Compliance - ensuring TDS payments, filing return and issue of Certificates
  4. To prepare DSR and review of sales register of all units and cross check with tally (DSR)
  5.  To ensure reconciliation and Tally
  6.  To review Expense reconciliation and submit a report to the management
  7.  To ensure the book closure
  8.  To create ledger as per the request
  9.  To ensure the closure of open items in 'IUT and ICT periodically
  10.  To do the current asset and current laibility reconciliation
  11.  To prepare monthly Cashflow statement and present it to the management as per bank transaction
  12.  To perform the Tally Admin activities Like voucher rectification and tally
  13.  To prepare various need-based MIS reports to the management
  14.  Current asset and current laibility reconciliation

About the company

Offer avice and expertise to a client organisation to help them imporve their business performance.


IT and Non IT Mnapower Se...

Company Size

2-10 Employees

