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Regulatory affairs Officer

Junior: 1 to 3 years
20K - 28K (Per Month)
Posted on Aug 29 2023

Not Accepting Applications

About the Job


 Preparation of LOA
Use of eCTD software’s

Preparation and compilation of DMF for US, EU, CEP, Canada, Japan, China, Brazil and other semi-regulated markets.

· Submission of technical data package and Applicant’s Part for semi-regulated markets

· Submission of response to deficiencies received from authorities and customers

· Periodic DMF updates (annual report for USDMFs and CEP renewal) and DMF amendments for post approval changes for US, EU, Canada, CEP and other markets

· Use of eCTD software’s and submission gateways like ESG & CESP

· Providing regulatory inputs in early development phase of APIs

· Review of change controls and technical data required for DMF submissions

· Collection and review of data (AMV, process Validation stability etc.) required for compilation DMF

· Preparation of LOA and commitment and data management

· Submission of change notification for customer.

· Tracking of changes in pharmacopoeia, regulatory guidance, current trends / regulatory expectations and identification of gaps

· Maintenance of database for regulatory submissions including customer notifications

· Well versed with current regulatory guidelines.

About the company

Coral Drugs Pvt. Ltd. manufactures a wide range of high quality pharmaceutical ingredients. At Coral, we value the quality of our products above all else, which is demonstrated by regular audits of our factory as well as compliance with local and international regulatory governing authorities. Apart from our existing product line, Coral's R & D team is looking ahead to create multidimensional ther ...Show More


Pharmaceutical Manufactur...

Company Size

51-200 Employees



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