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SR Java Technical Architect

Executive: 10 to 30 years
Posted on Oct 13 2022

About the Job


• We are looking to hire a talented Core java architect to define and integrate our company’s software

architecture. In this role, you will be responsible for upgrading or defining new architecture

systems to support future and current Java applications. You will also be involved in software

design and the integration of all Java-based applications.

• To ensure success as a Java architect, you should have in-depth knowledge of software

architecture, experience with network design, and high-level Java programming skills. Ultimately, a top-class java architect can see the big picture needs of a company and design scalable architecture to handle the company’s current and future software application needs.

• Meeting with technology managers and the design team to discuss the goals and needs of the company.

• Mostly functional languages or styles (Java, Scala, Clojure, Haskell etc., Java being the primary language others are optional but desirable)

• Experiences with various frameworks/libraries/applications (examples below). Not because they are the best or most used. But because they probably help widen perspectives. And help pick better ones when needed (because you’ve seen more.) Spring, Spring Boot, Hibernate Play. Spray.

Slick. Akka - Actors and Streams. Slick. Netty Vert.x Reactive Programming

• Examining and defining current architecture systems.

• Designing scalable architecture systems for Java-based applications.

• Identifying the hardware and software infrastructure needs to accommodate the company’s architectural goals.

• Troubleshooting design flaws and system bottlenecks.

• Performing validation tests to ensure the flexibility and scalability of the Java environment.

• Assisting the software design team with application integration.

• Conducting system performance tests.

• Completing systems reports.

• Previous work experience as a software or Java architect.

• Advanced knowledge of software architecture.

• Proficiency with Java, Java Beans, Java Servlets, and JavaScript.

• Experience with the design and implementation of software networks.

• Experience with software design and web programming.

• High-level project management skills.

• Ability to solve complex software system issues.

• Good communication skills.

About the company

Staffing & Recruiting

Company Size

11-50 Employees



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